DTC Wine Symposium - CRM Demystified
Here are the slides and an overview of my 7-10 minute presentation at DTC Wine Symposium on CRM Demystified. It was great to be a panelist along with Bronwyn Ney from Hall Wines and Susan Hanshaw from Innerarchitect. Also thanks to Mary-Colleen Tinney for organizing everything.
My particular piece was on customer segmentation.
Slide #1 - Intro
Slide #2 - Segmentation
- You capture names on your website and in your tasting room - you build your mailing list (hopefully you're not using a rolodex but some CRM software)
- You know you get the best results when you send email regularly so you schedule your campaigns
- But do you segment your lists?
Slide #3 - Why Segment?
- Not all contacts are equal. You don't treat your family and friends the same. You don't treat your acquaintances the same. Why treat your contacts all the same?
Slide #4 - Why Segment?
There are a lot of reasons to segment, here are 3:
- Your response rate increases.
- You build deeper connections
- Untargeted email is spam (not spam in the CAN SPAM legal sense of the word - but spam as in unwanted meat sense of the word)
Slide #5 - How Do Enterprises Segment?
Enterprises segment on RFM. Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value.
Recency - when was the last time this customer purchased?
Frequency - how often does this customer purchase?
Monetary Value - how much does this customer purchase?
Slide #6 - CaseStudy: WineTasting.com
A/B test from winetasting.com on a recent email targeting 'inactive' segement of their customers. (Inactive being customers who have not purchase in one year or more)
- 13,722 received same email as Active Segment
- 13,722 received custom tailored "Miss You" message
Slide #7-8 - CaseStudy: WineTasting.com
Custom tailored message outperformed regular message
- Click thrus were 4.59% vs 0.68% (6.75 X greater)
- 9X more orders
- 28X more $$
- 1/2 as many unsubscribers
Slide #9-11 - How can you segment your list?
- Customer Type - Prospect vs FirstTime Purchaser vs Repeat Purchase vs Club Member
- Active vs Non-Active Customer
- Location - Local vs Out-of-Town Visitor
Slide #12 - Key To Success
Don't just segment your list, but custom tailor the message to specific target audience.
Slide #13 - Thanks
Special thanks to WineTasting.com and Kristina Palko for letting us use this case study.
If you heard my talk, I would love your feedback. Either shoot me an email or leave it in the comments below.