Keys to Success #3: Attracting Prospects
While its obvious that attracting prospects to your website is a key to success... how do you attract more customers?
A successful website will place a strong focus on search engine marketing. For organic search (free search) this means managing content, metatags, marketing urls as well as finding relevant outside sources to link into your site.
Typically search engine marketing also involves some form of pay per click advertising, especially for new websites and business start-ups.
But don't think of search engines as the only way to attract prospects. Stormheok wine from South Africa sent out free wine samples to avid wine bloggers (and ran an extremely successful campaign this way). Being involved in forums, blog posts, social media (such as facebook), and other online communities are great ways to attract prospects.
Of course there are lots of offline marketing ideas to attract prospects to your website including traditional advertising, soliciting referrals, viral campaigns, etc.