Are you inward or outward?
I was recently travelling with one of our sales reps and was intrique by the line of question that wineries asked us. A number of people fell into one of two camps:
Inward Facing: This type of person asked operational type questions about how the website could make their operations easier. Questions like: Does our platform integrate with their POS system? How can they get UPS shipping labels out of our platform? Almost all of the questions centered around the operations at the winery and how we could make it easier.
Outward Facing: This type of person asked sales type questions about how the website could sell more, how customers interact with it, and how they could go to market better or more efficiently with a website.
I'm not arguing against either of these camps. There is a need for both. I was just really intrigued by how some people really tended to lean one way. For myself, when I look at personality types, I typically like to know where I fit in so I can realize that other people think different than me.
So are you inward or outward?