Vin65 Blog

DTC wine thoughts served up by Vin65

Brent Johnson
22 April 2015 | Brent Johnson

Shipping: Wineries... Can You Keep Up?

You're not Amazon, Kmart, or Target, and you don’t have the clout to demand killer shipping rates from UPS and FedEx - can you keep up with the large retailers pushing expectations for consumer shipping?  Continue »

Time Posted: 22/04/2015 at 6:00 AM Permalink to Shipping: Wineries... Can You Keep Up? Permalink
Corinna Wang
8 April 2015 | Corinna Wang

Wine Ecommerce 101

So, you want to sell wine online? There are so many options when it comes to wine ecommerce. Where do you start? First things first - do you pick a wine specific platform? The answer should be - absolutely.  Continue »

Time Posted: 08/04/2015 at 6:00 AM Permalink to Wine Ecommerce 101 Permalink
Corinna Wang
18 March 2015 | Corinna Wang

Start With Why: What's Your Winery's Value Proposition?

“How do I tell a story that makes my $15 Cabernet different from your $15 Cabernet?” This question came from a great recap blog post I read the other day. It's the million-dollar question. The differentiator. What makes your wine stand out from the crowd?  Continue »

Time Posted: 18/03/2015 at 6:00 AM Permalink to Start With Why: What's Your Winery's Value Proposition? Permalink
Brent Johnson
25 February 2015 | Brent Johnson

Email: The Biggest ROI for Wineries

You're busy - there are a million things to do today on top of selling your wine. So, where do you focus? Where should you spend time to get the biggest bang for your buck - or in your case, ROI?  Continue »

Time Posted: 25/02/2015 at 6:00 AM Permalink to Email: The Biggest ROI for Wineries Permalink
Corinna Wang
4 February 2015 | Corinna Wang

Mobile Point of Sale is Changing the Cellar Door Experience

Mobile POS systems let you sell where you couldn’t before. When your POS is portable - you can use it at a private tasting, out on a deck, or as you’re walking through the barrel room. If you’re at an off-site tasting event, it’s now possible to take a sale right then and there. Using a point of sale system that gets you out from behind the tasting bar and creates a more intimate experience  Continue »

Time Posted: 04/02/2015 at 6:00 AM Permalink to Mobile Point of Sale is Changing the Cellar Door Experience Permalink
Brent Johnson
24 January 2015 | Brent Johnson

Observations from an Emerging Wine Market (Colorado)

Last week, I attended the VinCO Conference and Trade Show in Grand Junction, CO, USA. I was able to give two presentations to some of Colorado's most prominent winemakers, winery owners and emerging wineries. There were a lot of questions about selling more wine online - and I thought I'd share some insights.  Continue »

Time Posted: 24/01/2015 at 8:00 AM Permalink to Observations from an Emerging Wine Market (Colorado) Permalink